Bei uns steht der Mensch im Mittelpunkt

Makes Life Easier

(470) 545 1792
Application areas

Assisted Living

The LiftKar Line for People is the ultimate solution for assisted living, offering a reliable and efficient means of care for the elderly and individuals with disabilities. This innovative system not only provides a secure and comfortable ride but also relieves personnel from the physical demands of caregiving.

With the LiftKar Line for People, you can ensure the well-being and mobility of your loved ones or residents, allowing them to enjoy a greater degree of independence while easing the workload for caregivers.


LiftKar PT

The LiftKar PT line is designed for use on straight and curver stairs, and more confined spaces. Offering simplicity and safety in various situations. The LIFTKAR PT, you regain your mobility, whether at home or on the go.

LiftKar PT